Module rawr::client [] [src]

A client that represents one connection to the Reddit API. This can log in to one account or remain anonymous, and performs all interactions with the Reddit API.


Creating a RedditClient

When creating a RedditClient, you are only required to pass in a user agent string, which will identify your client. The user agent should identify your program, but does not need to be unique to this particular machine - you should use one user agent for each version of your program. You must use a descriptive user agent when creating the client to comply with Reddit API rules.

The recommended format for user agent strings is platform:program:version (by /u/yourname), e.g. linux:rawr:v0.0.1 (by /u/Aurora0001).

You also need to pass in an Authenticator. rawr provides multiple authenticators that use the different authentication flows provided by Reddit. To get started, you may just want to browse anonymously. For this, AnonymousAuthenticator is provided, which can browse reddit without any IDs or credentials.

If you need logged-in privileges, you need to choose a different authenticator. For most purposes, the appropriate authenticator will be PasswordAuthenticator. See the auth module for examples of usage and benefits of this.

use rawr::client::RedditClient;
use rawr::auth::AnonymousAuthenticator;
let agent = "linux:rawr:v0.0.1 (by /u/Aurora0001)";
let client = RedditClient::new(agent, AnonymousAuthenticator::new());



A client to connect to Reddit. See the module-level documentation for examples.